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12 secrets to make Presentation look Consistent

Amazing tips to make your Presentation look Consistent

It is undeniable that quality content is essential for a successful corporate presentation; however, without proper accompanying slides it can be rendered ineffective. Therefore, it is essential for presentation look consistent across the entire slide deck. Assembling slides from existing presentations and adding new layouts generated at the last-minute may not make presentation look consistent enough, giving room for inconsistencies. Hence, you start tasks like aligning titles from slide to slide, positioning the logo in the bottom right, making sure it is the same size and the same position in every slide along the presentation deck, etc. These tasks can cost you a lot of time, and it gets even worse when you are running short of time. You do not have to be a gifted designer to create professional-looking slides.

Using Presentations in a Meeting: Slide is a visual aid for presentations to convey information concisely. PowerPoint is a digital tool for presentations using slides and multimedia. Widely used in business, education, and marketing. PPT is a file format with slides made in Microsoft PowerPoint. PowerPoint is essential for delivering presentations effectively. Choosing a good PowerPoint presentation topic is key to audience engagement. Making ppt engaging and professional is crucial for a strong first impression. Using high-quality PowerPoint samples can help showcase ideas effectively. Selecting the right theme enhances a ppt presentation’s effectiveness. A professional layout makes a presentation look polished and organized.

Engaging Slideshow: Slide show is a powerful tool for presenting information in a visually appealing manner. PowerPoint design slides are essential for conveying information in an organized manner. With PowerPoint design slides, presenters can create engaging presentations. The ppt slides contain text, images, charts, and animations to convey key points effectively. This allows for a seamless flow of information. Customizable backgrounds aligned to branding can elevate the presentation impact. Through this article, you will learn a methodology that will allow you to stop imagining slides and start solving them in order to make a presentation that looks consistent. Having these 12 techniques in mind can help in creating a presentation that looks consistent and is effective.

12 tips to make your presentation look consistent

12 design tips including: 1. Use a consistent colour scheme, 2. Choose a consistent font, 3. Use the same font size for all text in your presentation, 4. Keep your slide layouts consistent, 5. Use consistent spacing between elements on your slides, 6. Use consistent alignment for all text and graphics on your slides, 7. Use consistent bullet points and numbering throughout your presentation, 8. Use consistent transitions between slides, 9. Use consistent graphics and images, 10. Use consistent branding, 11. Use consistent language and tone, and 12. Review your presentation for consistency.

1. Outlines – Less is More: An outline defines the shape of an object in a sketch or diagram. Outlines can be applied to shapes, text boxes, or text in PowerPoint. Removing lines lightens the slide and reduces distractions, making it more visually appealing and correct. Design principle – Less is More: When a slide design is ineffective, the solution is to remove elements or utilize white space rather than adding more.

2. Align the content structure: Alignments help correlate objects. When objects are aligned, the brain perceives them as related. Adjusting alignments is crucial when creating a presentation – align every object on each slide. PowerPoint’s Quick Access Toolbar allows easy access to functions. Adding alignment tools saves time during presentations.

Presentation Look Consistent - Align Content Structure

Presentation Look Consistent – Align Content Structure

3. Highlight the group of objects using straight lines: Do you ever need to highlight a group of objects on your slide, like the one given below? Stop using odd forms to highlight the group of objects on the slide, and prefer straight forms as shown below. We tend to spot differences at a quick glance. Therefore, on the slide, you need to keep everything in order, preferring straight forms to curved forms to highlight the group of objects.

Presentation Look Consistent - Highlight Group Of Objects

Presentation Look Consistent – Highlight Group Of Objects

4. Color-coding in charts: Suppose you aim to demonstrate that introducing innovations can offset decreasing revenues from core products over time. Visualize innovations alongside core products using matching colours. Expand this color-coding to the title too. By highlighting innovations and their impact in green, you connect them to the chart, strengthening connections between objects. This directs your audience towards the main message.     

Presentation Look Consistent - Color-Coding In Charts

Presentation Look Consistent – Color-Coding In Charts

5. Monochromatic colour combination: Using the same font, placing the logo in the bottom right corner, and a consistent colour palette creates a professional look for presentations. Randomly combining colours doesn’t ensure consistency. Working with a palette of 5 colours, including one given plus four more, is suggested. Adobe Colour, an online tool, helps discover monochromatic colour combinations using 5 colours. For example, if the main colour in a PowerPoint is green, input its RGB in Adobe Colour to calculate other colours in the combination. Elegant colour combinations can also be found, with monochromatic being a safe choice. Adobe Colour generated a monochromatic scheme based on the main colour, Green, with 4 complementary colours. There are darker shades of green for backgrounds and lighter shades for foregrounds. Incorporating this palette can elevate the professionalism of the presentation slides.

6. Chart title and unit of measure: Using ‘revenue’ in the title implies it’s about money. Focus on bar relationships (size, trend). Include unit of measure for clarity with subtle contrast. Add a label discreetly for unit indication amidst other content.

7. Slide navigators: Self-standing presentations are usually long reports with sections, including a table of contents. To aid readers, a slide navigator is recommended. It facilitates moving between sections, determining the flow direction quickly.

8. The core message – PowerPoint Slide Titles: It’s important to use impactful titles to convey core message promptly. Action titles crucial for creating effective slides. Test if your PowerPoint slide titles tell a story when stacked. Maintain consistency in alignment and font size for a polished presentation.

Presentation Look Consistent - Core Message In Titles

Presentation Look Consistent – Core Message In Titles

9. Presentation handouts: PowerPoint has the option to print the presentation in handout mode. This helps to keep the slide nice and clean. You can write all the related information into the notes. If you can print them, this means you can also print the presentation as a pdf. You can also convert your PowerPoint presentation into a handout report and send it via email. Presentation handouts provide detailed information beyond slides. They convey key messages for audience takeaway and review. Handouts serve as a reminder of the meeting. Quality and design are essential in handout creation, treating it as a crucial presentation element.

10. White space management: White spaces add contrast & breath to content, incl. in text paragraphs. Split into active & passive. Passive: margins, space between text lines – prevents overload. Active: intentional to create design distinction & hierarchy, highlight importance. Embrace white spaces as allies, respect them to enhance content & design.

11. Design for end-user utility: PowerPoint design is key for effective presentations. Good design enhances impact, engages the audience. Consider font size, colour, visuals, layout. PPT design creates appealing, informative slides. Captivate audience, focus on details for success. Example: You have a presentation with charts and tables utilizing data storytelling and colours for contrasts. Each colour signals a key message for the audience to easily grasp. Colours differentiate aspects in charts and tables. If printed in black & white, confusion arises as key colour contrasts are lost. Consider delivery constraints when designing presentations.

12. Professional Add-ins: A recurring task done manually may result in errors. PowerPoint lets you make a custom ribbon for functions, like an Add-in. Think-Cell Add-in helps create charts in PowerPoint, enhancing creation speed and accuracy.

We have covered the 12 design ideas to make your presentation look consistent. It is equally important to consider choosing the right presentation topic and creating a template aligned to your branding. Let us see a few pointers on the same. When creating a PowerPoint presentation, choose engaging topics that align with your purpose and audience. Brainstorm potential topics such as business strategies, marketing techniques, environmental issues, or social justice initiatives. Find a PowerPoint example for inspiration on slide layouts and design. Select relevant and thought-provoking topics to capture audience attention. Successful presentations combine compelling content, effective design, and a captivating delivery.

PowerPoint Template – Customizing templates for your needs

PowerPoint design templates are crucial for creating attractive presentations. They consist of pre-designed slide layouts with text, images, and multimedia elements. These templates maintain a consistent design theme, colour scheme, and typography for a professional and cohesive look. Presentation templates in PowerPoint format offer various slide layouts, backgrounds, and visual elements to enhance visual appeal and impact. A PowerPoint slides template is essential for your content. It’s crucial to find the best PowerPoint template that fits your needs.

Whether you prefer a modern or traditional design, there are plenty of options available. Google slides presentation templates provide a collaborative platform for creating presentations. With these ppt slide templates, you can save time and ensure your presentation looks polished and engaging. A professional PowerPoint template aids in creating elegant presentations. With online access to various templates, individuals can select the best option for their needs. These templates are customizable and efficient for various purposes like business meetings, conferences, and seminars. They are valuable assets crafted to suit specific industry and branding requirements.


Presentations in PowerPoint are essential for modern communication. The chosen ppt topics are crucial in engaging the audience and conveying the message. PowerPoint examples inspire impactful presentations. Slide backgrounds and images enhance presentation aesthetics. Template design saves time and ensures consistency in layouts. Clear charts aid data comprehension. PowerPoint is essential for modern communication, offering visually engaging .ppt format. It is widely used for educational, business, and conference presentations. The user-friendly interface and templates help create professional presentations effectively.

It takes time and practice to master these techniques. Start implementing those that already fix your mistakes, as those will have an immediate impact on your working process, giving the maximum benefit in the shortest amount of time. Our team of creative designers delivers consistent and professional-looking presentation decks. Reach us to serve you better in your presentation design assignments.


  1. What is the 7 7 7 rule presentation?

The 7-7-7 rule for presentations suggests that you should have no more than 7 slides, speak for no more than 7 minutes per slide, and use no smaller than 7-point font. This rule helps to keep presentations concise, focused, and engaging for the audience.

2. What are the 10 20 30 rules of presentation?

The 10-20-30 rule of presentation suggests that a PowerPoint presentation should have no more than 10 slides, last no longer than 20 minutes, and use a font size of at least 30 points. This rule is designed to keep presentations concise, engaging, and easy to follow.

3. How would you improve consistency to make an effective presentation?

Some tips for improving consistency in your presentations include using a consistent color scheme, font, and layout throughout your slides, using the same tone and style of language throughout your presentation, and practicing your delivery to ensure a consistent pace and level of enthusiasm. Additionally, using visual aids such as charts and graphs can help to reinforce your message and improve consistency in your presentation.

4. What is the 666 rule presentation?

The 666 Rule presentation is a guideline for creating effective presentations. It provides 6 key components:

  1. 6 topics of no more than 6 words each
  2. 6 visuals to illustrate each topic
  3. in no more than 6 minutes for the delivery of the presentation
  4. lasting no more than 6 pages of PowerPoint slides.

5. What is 70 30 rule in presentation?

The 70-30 rule in presentation refers to the idea that a successful presentation should be 70% focused on the audience and 30% focused on the presenter. This means that the presenter should spend the majority of their time addressing the needs and interests of the audience, rather than simply talking about themselves or their topic. By following this rule, presenters can create a more engaging and impactful presentation that resonates with their audience.

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